After the July 4th weekend, we are feeling pretty patriotic. So our Be His Good challenge is based on our American Flag and to those who serve us Nationally and Locally. Our President and Mayor. If we can put our biases aside and focus on the fact that we have willing leaders who fight for our freedoms and rights, whether we agree with what Political side they are on, we can make a small difference when saying thank you.
Ps. last year we reached out to both of these individuals so we might thank our state representatives. #loveallaround people.
The American Flag. Create this flag proudly and it explain to your children what this flag means. In fact, I looked up the exact meaning,
"white signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness and valour, and blue, signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice."
I, personally, see a flag that represents unity and freedom. Has that symbolism been lost, in a large part yes. But it won't change with complaining. Our mission as Christians should be to change hearts. If we want lasting change, we need to be on a mission for Christ that transforms the hearts of human beings, including our leaders. (preach moment over)
The above image is just one way to create a flag. Use your imagination, let your child cut out the red stripes in construction paper, use q-tips and dip in white paint on blue paper for the stars, do a basket-weaving of the American flag... I'm telling you, Pinterest has beyond endless options. Remember it's less about what it looks like and more about the purpose.
Delivering these crafts might be a little difficult, so mailing might be your best option. Below is the White House address. For my local city, I addressed to our local mayor and will send to our City Council. If you are from Cottage Grove, MN lucky you! I have it below ;) I also encourage you to add the hashtag #BeHisGood to help explain the mission to encourage your local leaders and our president. And remember to write them a special thank you.
Mail to the White House: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC20500
Local Mayor Example: Mayor Myron Bailey, City Council of Cottage Grove, 12800 Ravine Parkway South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Then spread the word!
Take a photo and post on Facebook or instagram and use the #BeHisGood or feel free to email me and I’ll post for you ;) carly@sixnotesclothing.com . Then encourage others to join you in saying thank you to our local and national leaders!
Thank you for joining us this week in being His good.