Verse to memorize

Memorize this simple verse and store it in your heart for always.



Isaiah 58:11

photo by Joanna Klapperick



1 Peter 3:11

I suggest reading the whole passage, especially verse 8-17. A simple instruction guide to life. But these two concepts right here can do a whole lot of good as we walk through life.

  • Do good

  • Pursue peace

Photo by Joanna Klapperick



What it means to Seek His Kingdom First

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well..” - Matthew 6:33

Our verse concludes Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount message about moral living and the unexpected ways of the Kingdom. He is speaking to his disciples and the large crowd that has begun to follow him. Jesus speaks to many things like the law, truth, giving, prayer, loving our enemies, and in our passage he is speaking about worry and anxiety. He references the flowers and the birds, does He not clothe and feed them? Does he not care for them? Have faith and trust. Are you not greater than the birds and flowers?

Many times the troubles of this world take over and distract us. Or our desires of earthly people, objects, or goals take priority. Jesus is telling us to not worry about these earthly things but to seek His kingdom first.

Seek is a strong action verb. It is to desire God above all else in our life. To submit our whole being to God. To make his will our greatest priority. To focus on life giving things that last into eternity. Jesus is asking us to set our thoughts, desires, and character on Him. To seek after where God is alive and active and join him there.

And when we seek after his kingdom and righteousness, all these things, the things like clothing and food, our basic necessities and provisions, will be given to us as well. We need not worry but to seek.

Our prayer as you wear this tee is to be reminded to seek after God above all and before all. He is the only “thing” worth truly seeking.


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