It's time for our children to thank the local Barista for fueling their mommy's addiction. Or better, for putting a cup of pure joy and happiness into their hands. Some days they can literally turn frowns up-side-down. So for you joy givers... we send you love and say thank you.
Coffee bean art. So... if you follow the link... its kind of a crazy art project for adults. So here is what I envision. Children getting crazy with Elmers glue (or generic as I'm am in no way cool enough to be an elmers glue representative) and then have them stick some coffee beans on the glue. You can trace a beautiful heart or even coffee cup for them if you'd like. My kids usually demand independence so i'll be laying down some wax paper. Handing them the bottle (of glue of course) and then letting them sprinkle on the coffee beans. If you'd rather not mess with coffee, go glitter, buttons, tissue paper, anything your hearts desire. Again... it's less about the craft and more about the purpose. Ps… this was my favorite craft last year, the aroma was amazing.
I do realize that not everyone has a Starbucks in their back pocket, so go to the local cafe or even gas station. The purpose is to thank those that serve us diligently day in and day out and they usually do it with a big ol' smile on their face. If not then put one on their face.
Then teach your kids the importance to serve as they worship a God who sent his Son to serve us. Our faith is about humbling our selves and serving others, for when we do we will be honored in Heaven.
Then spread the word!
Take a photo and post on Facebook or instagram and use the #BeHisGood or feel free to email me and I’ll post for you ;) carly@sixnotesclothing.com . . Then encourage others to join you in saying thank you to their local Baristas in serving us day in and day out. Also, you should note... it's not day in and day out here even though I so desperately wish it could be ;)
Thank you for joining my children and I this week in being His good.
Don't jive with coffee, thank these wonderful people:
City Bus Drivers, Pediatricians, Nurses, Bus Boys, Waitresses, Construction Workers, Neighbors, your neighbor’s dog. Think anyone people… then visit our pinterest page for more ideas.