Day 3 - Bitter Water - Easter Reading Plan

Day 3: Bitter Water at Marah

  • Readings: Exodus 15:22-27
  • Bonus Reading: John 4: 1-42 (Woman at the Well)

When I first read this passage and was taught it pointed to the Cross, I think I literally stared, crossed my eyes, and said “huh?”  But the more you read this passage and the passages around the passage, you’ll soon realize it does and it has a powerful meaning.

So let’s simplify it.  Life is bitter like this water.  It’s yucky, pointless and can just leave us with a bad taste at the end of the day some days.  BUT when Moses throws a piece of wood into the water, this water now tastes so good, so refreshing, it now has purpose.

Life with the cross (our wood) has that same new found goodness.  Life is refreshing and full of purpose with the salvation Jesus gave us on the cross.

Water is used throughout the Old Testament and New Testament as a life source.  The prophets and Jesus use water so often in their teaching moments.  You see, without good water, we can’t survive.   Think of a time you were soooo thirsty.  You lost energy, you started to slouch, you labored in breathing but when you finally got a taste of that refreshing water you were brought back to life, renewed.

Jesus wants to be this for us.  He wants to be our living water.  Because a life without him is bitter, tasteless and without purpose.

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Side note:  I can geek out in the Bible pretty easy.  Like, in this passage, they cried out to God, and he showed them the Branch.  Hmm... the Branch sound familiar, oh wait, it's because in Zechariah 3 he prophesies that a Branch will be our High Priest. 

or wait, here is another one.  Do you feel like you have heard Marah before?   Well, you might have.  In the story of Ruth, her mother-in-law Naomi asks to be called Marah (Ruth 1:20) because the Lord had made life bitter for her. She had left Bethlehem full but was returning empty.  BUT little did bitter Naomi know when she came back to Jerusalem that God was going to bless her socks off! The Messiah, Jesus,  through Ruth & Boaz would actually be the living water!