Easter Reading Plan - Day 1 - Road To Emmaus

Day 1 - Road to Emmaus

  • Readings: Luke 24:13-31
  • Bonus Reading: Luke 24:44-48

You might be thinking this is an odd place to start for an Easter reading.  And I guess it is but it’s a powerful passage.  Here are two men who are leaving Jerusalem perplexed at the events that had just occurred.  They are confused, bewildered, and deeply sad. And then they meet a “man” and upon meeting this man, the man calls them foolish and slow to heart.  Not quite the best first impression, but okay.  But then he even questions their faith.  - have you not read about the Prophets?  Didn’t they say that the Christ would die?  And have you not read the words of Moses or the scriptures? 

But then something amazing happens.  This man who we find out to be Jesus, tells them all about the Old Testament and how it all points to him!  Can you imagine!!  Jesus himself taking you through the entire Old Testament.  Explaining all those confusing verses.  Telling why things had to happen the way they did.  Highlighting the profound verses that point to the Messiah.  Simplifying the hard concept of judgment and finally making Leviticus something interesting to read.  This would be a Bible study on steroids!

To have Jesus walk along side you, explaining the Bible.  And not preaching or speaking parables but with a clear framework, oh man, that would be the highlight of my life.  For real.   And the great news is, someday he will.

This study is going to ATTEMPT to do a little version of that.  We won’t  have the words, knowledge  or clarity of Jesus but we can be your starting point in diving deeper into the Bible and finding a deeper understanding of God’s word.  We want to help you solidify your faith.  By all Historians Jesus as a man was proven to walk the earth.  No one doubts that Jesus ever existed.  There is doubt whether he was the Messiah.  The Messiah the Old Testament predicted.

This is just a start. Our focus is on the crucifixion and resurrection.  Take this reading as a starting point.  Then go find a good study bible and read how Jesus fulfilled other Scriptures with his birth, life and teachings.  I promise.  Once you do that, your faith will stand firm and you’ll be transformed.

There are 66 books in the Bible, written by 49 authors over 1,600 years.  Yet there is one central theme - Jesus Christ.

May our hearts burn with desire like the two men on their way to Emmaus.