Oh, For A Touch Of Flame

"A touch of enthusiasm would be the salvation of many a man's religion. Some Christians are good enough people: they are like wax candles, but they are not lighted. Oh, for a touch of flame! Then would they scatter light, and thus become of service to their families. 'Let them shout for joy.'...

there are times and places where a glorious outburst of enthusiastic joy would quicken life in all around. The ungodly are not half so restrained in their blasphemy as we are in our praise."

-Charles Spurgeoun

I thought this quote rather interesting and convicting on so many levels. It made me think about my enthusiasm for my religion. My faith. Do I get as excited about God, church, or a saved soul as I do about earthly things... like let's say, a sport? or an amazon package that came? of the season premier that is about to start?

Be honest.

What is the temperature of your faith? Are we just wax waiting to be lit or are we the flame that lights up the room! More yet, are we the candle that tips over to light another?!

Reminders to Be The Light

Jesus is our light that dispels darkness. And if Jesus is light and he lives in us. We are a beacon for others who don’t know Jesus. We are to be the light that draws them in to the Savior.

Be Reminded and Show Whose You Are