Change Someone’s World

I loved this quote from Andy Stanley that you see in the image below. It reminded me of what my pastor often talks about with the Ripple Effect. Our actions good and bad may only affect a small circle around us. But that small circle impacts more people and those people impact more people.

Think about this super simple example, if someone does a simple and kind gesture like open the door for you at the coffee shop and greets you with a friendly hello, you’re more likely to take the time to greet the worker at the cash register with a friendly hello and a how do you do, But, if the person opens the door in your face, catches you off guard and doesn’t even notice you and is too busy looking at their phone, you’re more likely to just walk up to the cash register taken back, look directly at the menu, order and not even make eye contact with the worker. Then think about the individual taking your order in each scenario… how are they effected? How do they react?

You guys! This is so true. Your actions have a ripple effect. Let’s make this Friday and into the weekend a weekend of small, beautiful, ripple effects of good. Because as you know, ripples become waves and we want waves of sheer good and awesomeness.