Fear and Amazement - Morning Thoughts

Sometimes I just like to share my morning thoughts with you all. Today my mind wandered here…


“Who can this be” - Luke 8:25


They were fearful and amazed.

I read the story of Jesus calming the winds and the waves in Luke 8.  I love this story.  Oddly out of all his miracles this one always hits me the most.  Gives me the chills. And when I read the disciples reactions after he calmed the seas, they were fearful and amazed, I want that to be my reaction of God always because miracles happen every day.

This passage is such a great reminder to us of the power of God.  Many times He uses natural forces to show his power because you can’t explain away nature, you can only stand in awe of it.  So when I read passages like this, I’m reminded of the infinite power and might he has and that is something to be feared.  And when we understand his power, we begin to realize that there is nothing like Him and nothing can stand in his way. No Covid, sickness, govt power, war, political group, powers of evil.  Nothing.  None of those groups can part the seas or calm the waters.  

So this challenges me.  Why is my trust not more in the Lord? Why do I looks to health, money or world leaders?  Why?  When I believe in a Sovereign God who is above all.  

Fear and amazement.  I pray those are my thoughts every single moment of the day as I watch God work and trust in Him.

Fear because there is no greater power. Amazement because no God works wonders for us like He does.