Furnace of Life

The furnace. The trials. The hardships. Sometimes life just burns and squelches all possible energy and joy it can must up. But keep going. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Why? Because those who believe in the Lord have a hope, even if at times it’s just a flicker of hope. But the hope remains.

And on the days that are just too hard remember you are not meant to walk this road alone. Remember we are not to meant to lean on our own power. He is there. So maybe we just need to stop for a moment. Be Still in His presence so we can feel His power. Then lean into Him and stand back up when ready. He will carry you. Because the only furnace that can truly burn you, destroy you… He destroyed that Good Friday we celebrated just weeks ago on the cross.

That flicker you see… that is victory. Even if it is in the Heavenly realms. But that flicker will be ours someday. And my friend, while that someday is later, later is longer.