Bible Jokes, Biblical Humor, Dad Jokes... Just plain good humor.

We received a lot of fun feedback with our bible jokes or best said, biblical humor. But really it’s just a bunch of dad jokes. Ones you roll your eyes at and wish you didn’t chuckle. But let’s be real…. these are pretty hilarious.


How Does Moses make his coffee?

Hebrews it.

Need an ark?

I Noah guy

Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?

Samson. He brought down the house.

Does your life stink?

We have a pew for you.

(okay… more of a statement. but still funny)

I posted this on our instagram and facebook and a I chuckled at a response that I should probably address… with a wink ;) Yes. I’m with you. Solomon was probably the smartest. Yes wisest. But Abraham new a Lot too.

What’s a dentist’s favorite hymn?

Crown him with many crowns.

What do they call pastors in Germany?

German Shepherds

Why couldn’t Jonah trust the ocean.

Because he knew there was something fishy about it.

How long did Cain hate his brother.

As long as he was Abel.

Which Bible character had no parents?

Joshua, son of Nun

At what time of day was Adam created?

A little before Eve.

while I would like to say I came up with these jokes on my own… I most definitely did not. I’m not that funny. But here and here and here is where I found them. And I’m sure they found them from somewhere else.. who got them from somebody else and so on.

Nonetheless…. Enjoy. Have a good life. And save these for later to pull out as your next ice breaker for Bible Study.