Bucket List With Crossroads Church

"Stop dreaming about your Bucket List and start living it."
Annette White


Meet Serina,

Back in the middle of September, Pastor Tim Stanley of Crossroads Church in Hastings, MN contacted us about a really fun opportunity.  They were in the middle of a series called "Bucket List"  They had the congregation fill out cards and write down something they've always wanted to do.  A Bucket List item.  Well, one beautiful young woman wrote, "To model women's clothing for an online boutique.  I've lost over 60lbs and it's my personal goal." 

Enter us!


We have mutual friends so Pastor Stanley contacted us right away to see if we could help and the next Sunday he announced her bucket list item was getting checked off! She was going to be a part of our next photoshoot! I wish I could have seen her face. Mostly because she has the best smile ever!


Well, our latest photoshoot just happened to be this past Monday on a very chilly night. So we grabbed the new cozy Be Still Sweatshirts that will be launched soon, some hot tea, Christmas decor and enjoyed the night. Serina was such a beautiful woman inside and out and we are so lucky to have been asked to help fulfill her dream. And thank you Laura Kleffman Photography for joining us yet again. You captured her beauty and her heart... plus some pretty awesome sweatshirts that will release soon.

And thank you Serina. We hope you enjoyed the experience!

Even if it was a bit chilly.


photo shoot details: Serina helped us work on a lot of Christmas content this last photoshoot! We shot a lot of our accessories for gift ideas. And had fun with a few stocking stuffers. I’m not going to lie… this photoshoot put me into some major Christmas spirit. And if Serina is like me, she may have gone home and asked her husband to put up the Christmas tree… or secretly left out a few of the Christmas props and strategically placed the around the house hoping her husband wouldn’t notice.