Christian Playlist - Heaven and Earth

If you are like us over in this household, school has started, new schedules begin and my mind never stops planning, scheduling and keeping things organized. So to slow down and enjoy the day, I’ve been loving this hour long playlist. It’s my favorite one so far we’ve created.

The playlist focuses on the tension between Heaven and Earth. How we long for Heaven and the life to come but yet yearn to stay on Earth with what we know and who we love. We pray you love this as much as we do. May you find rest in His Glory as we pilgrimage through this life longing for Yahweh.

Listen Here: Or preview the playlist below.

Remember to “heart” the playlist in Spotify and save for later in your library

These playlist are created by a local musician - Legend Ozoro. Find her music here.

click the image below and head to spotify to play this playlist. Or PIN and save for later on Pinterest.

