I was prompted to journal about “what part of Holy Week means most to me.” And as I sat thinking and mentally walking through the last days of Jesus , Palm Sunday to Resurrection day, one thing hit me for the first time. Jesus washed Judas’s feet. He knowingly, humbly, and lovingly washed the feet of the man he knew to betray Him. The man who would turn him over to be beaten, whipped, mocked, ridiculed and shamed. And he did it all for 30 pieces of silver.
Jesus did that.
I knew he ate with him but to humbly serve him in such a way, struck a chord with me.
I sat there contemplating what was going through Jesus’ mind as he washed the feet of his betrayer? What was going through Judas’s?
Think about that.
I wonder if there were knowing exchanges? We’re they loving or disappointed? Did Judas squirm? and most importantly as I sat and reflected, could I do the same?
Forgive me Lord, because I don’t think I could.