My daughter had a "modified lockdown" at her school the other day. No one was every in danger... yet, my heart stirred. I was uneasy. But God reassured me with this verse,
"take heart, for I have overcome this world."
As Christians we have an overwhelming sense of hope. We have the promise that their is something far greater than what this world has to offer. I could breath in that verse all day long and rest in it's promise.
You guys... this world is icky but it always has been. We need to remember that Satan is the ruler of this world. But we serve a Mighty God. And we live for Him and His home and His hope that He established for us in Heaven.
We pray you are reminded to have an eternal perspective. To look past the earthly desires, the world problems, and look to a day that He will gather us together at His banquet table for all time spending eternity with a God who overcame all lockdowns, all icky, all corruption, and all evil. Just so we may have life with Him.