I Thank You For Sunshine, I Thank You For Rain

If you go on Instagram or any social network and watch reels, you’ll often hear these lyrics:

Lord, I thank you for sunshine

I thank you for rain

I thank you for joy

I thank you for pain

It’s a beautiful day now.

The sunshine and joy are easy to be thankful for but the rain and pain can be much more challenging. But as gardening season is upon us, I’m reminded that the rain allows for growth. It’s an integral part of growing a healthy plant life. Only sunshine will scorch the plant and cause it to die. The same is true for us in our Christian life. Only sunshine causes our faith to often dry up as we see no need for God and we never grow, but a little rain and even a storm causes us to dig our roots deeper and reach our limbs higher. We reach to The Almighty for his sustaining love.

Today and always remember this song, these lyrics and hold onto the beauty of that day whether it’s sunshine and roses or rain and growth.


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