Branding: Nourish Move Love

I was so fortunate to work with Lindsey on your brand image.  She is such a strong and hard worker and it has certainly paid off for her.  She just launched her 30 Day meal plan and workout plan and let me tell you, it is fabulous!   I did my research before we began this project and her meal plans blow the others out of the water.  Plus, I've taken a few of her classes and helped with the workout videos...  they. are. butt kicking.  But butt kicking with a purpose.

We've been working together which feels like the last 6 months.  We've developed her logo, business cards, scripture cards, mini fit guides, meal plans, workout plans, DVDs, tote bags, web images, teasers... you name it we did it.  But what I love most... she had the vision, I just put it into action.  This look is all her and I'm so glad I was just able to assist her.

Congrats Lindsey on the launch. Can't wait to see how you impact those lives in a Godly manor.  He called you and you accepted and you are certainly making a difference and letting his light shine through you.

Trust me... you'll want to invest in yourself.  Plus... her material looks pretty stinkin' good.  Especially the 56 page nourish document... oofta that was a project :)  But well worth it.

And if you want comical relief, get her move program and watch me struggle through as I'm a background prop. 
