The Role of The Prophet John

The prophetic voice of God was silent for 400 years. The time between the Old and New Testament. Then God broke the silence and spoke through Gabriel to Elizabeth and then to Mary. Now he speaks through Zechariah. And when God spoke, it’s all through the central theme of Jesus.

This verse is part of Zechariah’s Song found at the end of Luke. Zechariah’s song is a prophecy. A prophecy which spoke first of the unborn Jesus and plan for salvation and then to his new son John and his place in God’s great plan of redemption.

The Prophet John was not just a quick figure to glanse over in the Bible. Not just a few verses to quickly read through to get to Jesus. He was an integral part of God’s redemptive work. He was the voice who called out to those who were lost. He was the sunrise that broke through the silence and would begin to shine in the darkness. He was the one who helped the lost find their footing again, he pointed them in the direciton of the Savior. He lifted their gaze in hope.

He was the one who prepared the way for the Waymaker.