Matthew 6:19-21 Study - Treasures.

Our new wallets are coming out that we designed the wallet to remind us of Matthew 6:20-21.

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

As with all our products we put a mini devotional together for you. Our products and our mission are to create reminders of God’s word throughout our day and draw us back to Him.

Mini Devotion:

In Matthew 6 Jesus is nearing the end of his famous Sermon on the Mount.  A message all about how it looks to follow him and how it looks to live in God’s Kingdom.  A new kind of kingdom.  An upside down kingdom where there are no privileged members .  Jesus’ mission is to transform the hearts of the people so they can truly love their King – God and his people.

In our passage 6:19-21 Jesus addresses the heart and our treasures.  We have a choice between two treasures.  Earthly and Heavenly, you can’t “serve” both.  Earthly treasures fade and are temporary, like money, success or material items.  But heavenly treasures last forever.  And what we treasure the most controls us.  Jesus urges us to keep our eyes fixed on those heavenly treasures.  Things eternal for it’s those heavenly treasures that last forever and bring enjoyment now.

Jesus gives us clues to those heavenly treasures as he continues on in the passage.  It’s giving, fellowship, serving, trust and seeking Him first among other heavenly treasures.  Our prayer as you use this wallet is to look beyond the earthly treasures and to focus your heart on the good that can be done for the Kingdom of God.  May our hearts rest there.