Why We Wear God's Word

Why do we wear His word? I was reminded on two separate occasions this week the transforming power of wearing God’s word. A simple act yet with great reward.

I was out doing life as I normally do, doing normal things, being all normal and an acquaintance came up and asked, “I see you always wearing your “Jesus” shirts, I need a change. What church do you go to?” And we got to talking. A simple act of putting on His word opened a door to conversation of faith.

But to be honest, we design more to inspire those who wear. For example, the other day I was completely deflated, down in the dumps and just super bummed. I was sitting on my floor in the basement with my 1 ½ year old son playing cars. All of a sudden I’m startled out of my pity party with a matchbox car thrown right at my chest hitting the words on my sweatshirt, Be Still and Know. It’s like God himself took that little arm of my son to shake me and remind me… look, life is a little challenging but be still my child. I never promised it would be easy, but I did promise greatness one day. Keep walking through life with the Sovereign God who one day every knee shall bow down before. It will be worth it.

You are not a better Christian if you wear Jesus tees. God doesn’t love you more if scripture surrounds you. But wearing and surrounding yourself with the word of God does help guide, remind and even help you fall in love with God more. Those simple reminders bring us back to Him when life takes over. When troubles come our way and weary sets in, those promising words draw close. His word is powerful. His word is transforming. Wearing His word just helps remind us of this.