faithful (rainbow baby) - baby onesie

faithful: rainbow baby
faithful baby onesie
rainbow baby onesie
isaiah 66:9 onesie
christian baby onesie
rainbow baby: christian baby onesie
faithful: rainbow baby
faithful baby onesie
rainbow baby onesie
isaiah 66:9 onesie
christian baby onesie
rainbow baby: christian baby onesie

faithful (rainbow baby) - baby onesie


"In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord. If I cause you the pain, I will not stop you from giving birth to your new nation,” says your God." - Isaiah 66:9

He will accomplish what he has promised.

That is the hope we find in this verse.  And to help us understand further, the prophet Isaiah compares this hope in the time of suffering that the Jewish people were experiencing, the trials we all experience, to childbirth.

Just as one can’t stop the process of a baby being born, one cannot stop God from restoring His people.  And while the process may be painful, sometimes with excruciating hurt, there will come a time when the pain is over and a joy will come. And that joy is extreme joy.  A joy we can only experience and savor because of our Lord.

Rejoice as Jerusalem rejoiced. God’s people were delivered as promised and were victorious.  He promises this to us.  So hold steadfast, grab hold of this hope, and remain faithful because there is a joy waiting for you on the other side.  He will deliver you.

*often times this verse provides great comfort to those of us who have lost a child in the womb.  And you can see why.  Losing a child is extremely painful no matter how old or long you’ve been loving them for.  But God is faithful and will bring us through the suffering and will restore us.  He will deliver and to those rainbow babies who have come, we say AMEN with extreme joy and faith in our hearts.

Please note, this is a rainbow baby onesie but designed it in a way to celebrate all babies and the faithfulness God shows us. Our mini devotion print outs we include with all items will not include the last * paragraph unless you instruct us to with the checkbox that appears after you add it to cart.

and for those still waiting… we see you and pray for you.

Color: ice blue


  • 50% polyester, 25% cotton, 25% rayon

  • 40 singles

  • side-seamed

  • six notes design -professionally screenprinted

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