Message of Be Humble, Gentle, Patient

My anthem as a mom.  I wear these shirts constantly to be reminded of gentleness and patience.  However,  the message behind these garments go much deeper.  It gives us the key to find unity.  Unity as a family, as a church, and as a nation.

Humble. Gentle. Patient.


Because of our love.

I think we all understand the impact that gentleness and patience can have in a relationship, however, we underestimate the negative affect of pride and how a humble heart can overcome so much.

Pride destroys.  It destroys the heart.  It destroys trust.  It destroys relationships.  Over and over again, Jesus teaches us to humble ourselves, to be a servant because those who humble themselves before the Lord will be lifted in honor.  Those who seek to serve, throwing worldly status out the window will be honored.  Those who are last will be first. And those first will be last.  

The book of Ephesians is a powerful book.  The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Church of Ephesus.  He wanted to encourage them as a church; to explain the purpose of the church and share how we as Christians should live.  He gives them guidelines and traits to gather them together as one church with one mission.  These guidelines still stand today. 

In my mind one of the most powerful verses in Ephesians is chapter 4 verse 1.  " Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God."    It's a verse to show us how God can accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or think if we just lead the life of His calling.  What kind of life?  An Eph. 4:2 life.  One that’s humble, gentle, patient, accepting, and loving.  One full of love.  A deep love that reflects his true love for us. For our greatness witnessing tool is our own life.  

Reflect His love.