Colossians 1:15-20 Explained

It’s always fun to dive into a new passage. Especially one like Colossians 1:15-20. This passage speaks to Jesus over all. Most scholars believe (yet they can’t prove) this passage comes from a poem or hymn in the early church that describes what Christians believed about Jesus. That Jesus is God.

There are so many good snippets and reminders for us. Like Jesus is the image of God. The word image in Greek is eikon which means the likeness of manifestion. Meaning God is fully revealed in Jesus.

We might not think too much of this but remember the writer Paul is trying to prove that Jesus is not just a man, or a lesser image of God, or just another god, he IS God.

Jesus is also the firstborn. We read a lot about the Firstborn in scripture. Here Paul refers to Jesus as the firstborn in reference to time and of rank. Meaning Jesus is supreme over all. He is before all created things. He then goes onto speak of the rulers and authorities of the earth and reminds us that Jesus created them all and they all ultimately answer to Him. He is what holds all things together. He is the sustainer of all creation.

Then the passage wants to drive home that God’s fullness dwells in Jesus. Essentially Jesus is truly God. The fullness of God has been put into Jesus. Not a church, priesthood or sacrament, but Jesus. He is the distribution point as one commentator wrote. Those who want more of God and all that he is can find it in Jesus.

Then the passage ends with one amazing point - the work of the cross. Jesus reconciles, or atoned all by making peace in the cross. This is a great reminder that we don’t make peace with God. We can’t. But Jesus can. And he did so 2000 years ago on that old rugged cross.

Rest in Him who is victorious over all.
