Feet Like Deer - Design to come

Last Sunday I was listening to a sermon on Habakkuk from Five Oaks Church and …. Strike! Inspiration. So I sketched a little thought I had on a piece of paper and posted about it.


I just put it off to the side because as a smart business woman with Covid-19 we are not exactly in a spot financially to be purchasing more apparel, especially when we are waiting to launch a few new styles yet.

But as you can imagine there is a but… but this tee design kept creeping into my tiny little brain cells whispering, “order me, order me”. So I put the logical business moves aside and we went ahead and ordered.

The order is still 3 weeks out but we have big plans for it, we think you guys and gals are going to love them. They are slightly different from our past styles mainly because we keep it simple with script. But here we have an image. And when I say them, it is because we ordered two colors of tees. One more masculine and the other feminine.

So stay tuned. And watch the sermon here. Habakkuk 3:19 is referenced towards the end.

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”


Want to hear something crazy? I wrote about this verse back in 2015. What?! Yep. Sure did. You can find it here.