A Look Back On 2019

How do I explain 2019... we had a lot of sweets and a lot of sours. It was a year I had to lean into the word of God more than ever. To let go and trust. Six Notes took a major back seat as we navigated life but I stand amazed at how God continued to pull it forward. The messages written in the past became a lifeline for us. The words in the tees truly became what we needed as reminders of His goodness as we walked in this journey called life.

And if I’ve learned anything over the year it’s this. 👉🏼 the importance of showing up. 👈🏼. The importance of showing up for those who are hurting. The importance of showing up for my kids in the tough transitions in life. How much I value those who showed up for us during our great heartbreak. And how God shows up everyday if we just learn to sit still and feel his presence.

So as we jump into 2020, my goal is to continue to slow down and show up. Separate from the rat race. Get away from the busy. Enjoy what has been placed around me and show up for those who truly need me. Or those God has nudged me to love.

And showing up isn’t complicated, but it means we are self-less. And doesn’t God ask that of us anyway? “The last shall be first.”

If you want to see our top nine post from 2019, head to our instagram page. Below are a few of the quotes that were in the top 9.

#thebestnine #2019 #showup #2020goals