Fear Of The Lord

Fear the Lord beginning of wisdom. A verse I fell in love with in 2019. I’ve always wanted to be seen as a wise old lady.. you know… some day. Someone people seek out for good sound advice. And here we get the key. Fear.

Fear often has a negative connotation to it. And God speaks to this fear often. But this speaks to a different aspect. The fear of God. Yes God is loving and merciful and full of grace. He is our father who would do anything for us. But we are also suppose to fear him. For He is a God of great power. Ever wonder how great? I love watching the video below and listening to the song linked. They remind me of How great and infinite God is. The ruler of our universe.

The Awe Factor Video by Francis Chan

So Will I Song by Hillsong.

The greatness of God cannot be underestimated, his power is an astronomical power of the universe yet power so loving that He sent his son.

For us. For you