A Six Notes Family Announcement

The year 2020 for my family has been, well, quite the year.  It hasn't been awesome.  And it hasn't had anything to do with Covid.  BUT  God is faithful. God is good.  And he brought about a miracle when the family needed it most.

Yep.  We did a thing.

We created a human.  Well to be more precise.  God created a little boy in us.  

We are halfway through the pregnancy and we are feeling good and full of joy.  However, the first part of this was not so awesome which is why we have been so quiet with six notes.  Why we haven't launched a fall line.  (but that’s still coming) Why we haven't sent out consistent emails.  Why I haven't done more devotionals on the blog like I've wanted. Why my kids watched me nap on the couch for a few months...  So it feels good to finally share the news with you all.

BUT the great news is, we are back in full swing and in planning mode.  We have new cross rings in that will be launching soon and we will be getting a few more clothing items in over the next few weeks for you all!   Plus a lot more. Including a SALE coming to you tomorrow!

And here is us asking you for help!

With taking a step back our social media which is our #1 way of advertising has suffered.  We've slowed down, like a lot.  So we ask that you help us bring that back up.  We'd love your help with liking, commenting and even sharing our posts whether instagram, facebook or pinning to pinterest. That would be of GREAT help.

and of course we'd love for your prayers over this little guy.  Wish him the best next 20 weeks in womb.

yay for more babies!
