Sojourner - Our Inspiration

Every single one of our tees are inspired from a verse read during a morning devotions or simple ones we love.  However, our Soujorner Tee is different.  It was a word we heard, kind of new what it meant, looked it up and then fell in love.  We knew we had to put that on a shirt.  But we didn't have a particular verse in mind so we went hunting and found 1 Peter 2:11.

We love the idea of reminding our selves throughout the day that this world is not our home.  It is not our hope or what we even live for.  We belong to Heaven and we live for our eternal life.  

Below is our actual Item Description or our mini devotion on 1 Peter 2:11.  We pray you feel the strength and encouragment behind this word - for it has the ability to powerfully shift our perspective on this life and what we live for. 


"Item Description"

As we live in our temporary residence here on earth, we will always be battling the flesh. The choice between right and wrong. The ways of this world. Our freshly desires. But we do so because our hope is put into eternity. This world is not our home. We are just passing through on our way to or future home in heaven.

Keeping an eternal perspective is so important as it makes our trials worth fighting for and through. Our prayer as you wear this tee is to be reminded that you are a sojourner just living life for Jesus and passing through. You will fight the flesh because you are a child of God, waiting to go home to the Father. Your home in Heaven. Your eternal, glorious home.