Strength and Dignity - The Meaning

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without  fear of the future."  Proverbs 31:25

We all love the strength and dignity verse.  But have you ever thought about where this "ideal woman" we read about gets her true strength and dignity?  

The Proverbs 31 woman's strength and dignity is not found in her many achievements that we read about in this passage, it's found in her reverence for the Lord.  The Proverbs 31 woman that we have fallen in love with is good, compassionate, hardworking, strong, wise, trusting, joyful and so much more because she is clothed in His power and encompassed by His glory.  She is strength and dignity because she completely loves and fears God.  We love this passage because we see the heart of God, looking past her physical beauty and into her true beauty where her heart lies. 

Many times we see the women of the bible as retiring, servile, domesticated, second to man.  However, if we truly dive into God's word, we'll see God's great respect and reverence for women.  I mean, how many times do we see His majesterial power displayed through a woman's womb, a part of his greatest miracles, or how He sends his Angels to appear and share of His great news, including the two greatest events in the Bible, the birth and resurrection! (yes that was a run on sentence.)  Jesus changes the status quo and welcomed and embraced women of his day,  inviting them to follow him and be apart of his ministry.

So when you read this passage and wear this shirt,  think about what true strength and dignity means.  What does our Heavenly Father wish us to see in this passage. Strength and Dignity in the world's eye looks a whole lot different than what our Savior desires of us.  

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without  fear of the future."  Proverbs 31:25