micah 6:8 - tee

micah 6:8 tee
act justly, love mercy, walk humbly tee
Christian tee
christian clothing
bible verse tee
bible verse clothing
faith based tee
faith based clothing
micah 6:8 tee
act justly, love mercy, walk humbly tee
Christian tee
christian clothing
bible verse tee
bible verse clothing
faith based tee
faith based clothing

micah 6:8 - tee

Sale Price:$26.99 Original Price:$30.00

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8

Quick context for Micah 6:8. Micah is picturing an imaginative court room. Israel is on trial before the Lord. God is bringing His case or complaint against His people, Israel. God asks them, “What have I done to you? “ I have done nothing but good for Israel (He shares examples) and I have been repaid with rejection and rebellion. And in this imaginative courtroom the Israelites call out “What do you want from me? We sacrifice like crazy and bring our precious offerings before you!”

Then we come to our verse in Micah 6:8… oh no, oh Israel, you have it all wrong. I have shown you want is good and required. It is not your deeds, your works, or your offerings. It is not complicated but actually quite simple. It is this: Justice, Mercy, and Humility.

  • Do justly: act fair in what you do. Be fair in your dealings with people. Treat others as you would want to be treated

  • Love mercy: Love to show mercy to those who wrong you. Give others the same measure of mercy and grace you have received from the Father.

  • Walk humbly: Learn humility. Remember who I am – your God. If you keep that in mind, you will walk humbly with me.

Israel responded to God’s request trying to appease Him with sacrifices and offering. But sacrifices and other religious rituals aren’t enough. God wants more than just works. He wants changed lives. He wants His people to be fair, just, merciful and humble. God wants us to become living sacrifices not just religious deeds. He wants transformed hearts full of love for Him and His people.

Color: mauve


  • 3.8 oz, 50% polyester / 25% combed ring-spun cotton / 25% rayon jersey

  • Soft 40 singles material, 3.8 oz

  • six notes design -professionally screenprinted

*NOTE SIZING - unisex fit

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