avenue of grace prayer

I'm reading a book on spiritual disciplines and the prayer in the book really hit home in my heart this morning and I wanted to share it with you all.


Prayer for you

Gracious and loving God, I stand in awe of your infinite patience. 

You desire my perfect wholeness. 

You are deeply desirous to make me perfectly whole, even to the extent of entering into my brokenness and taking its death into your own being on the cross. 

And yet you never violate my independence, you never trample on my free will, you never usurp the integrity of my being. 

You wait in infinite patience for me to open my life to your cleansing, healing, liberating, transforming grace. 

You wait for me to willingly cooperate with your purposes for my wholeness.

Help me, O my God, to offer to you the deep inner yieldedness of my being that will enable my spiritual disciplines to become avenues of your grace in me.