the narrow gate - sweatshirt

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the narrow gate
christian sweatshirt
christian clothing
christian apparel
bible verse sweatshirt
christian company
the narrow gate
christian sweatshirt
christian clothing
christian apparel
bible verse sweatshirt

the narrow gate - sweatshirt


“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” - Matthew 7:13

You have the decision between two ways in life and one of two destinations in which you want to go. Heaven or Hell.

If you are in the broad, easy path. It will likely lead to destruction, your destination - Hell. But narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to eternal life with Christ.

There is only one way into Heaven and that is by believing in Jesus. Believing that he is the I Am. The Son of Man. The Messiah. We don’t enter heaven’s gates by being a good person or by giving of our time and money. We enter by believing. By putting down our own desires and taking up our cross and His desire for our life. By putting our faith and trust not in our abilities but in Him and his provisions. We acknowledge that we will never be enough and will always fall short but because of Christ’s work on the cross, we are made enough. We are made right.

The world’s ways look shiny and fun. They are the wide gate but they end up leading to emptiness. A full life is filled with turns, mountains to overcome, valleys to dredge through and wildernesses to persevere in. But it is the road that refines and shapes us to be more like Him, standing before Him.

color: sandstone


  • 80/20 ring-spun cotton/polyester blend fleece with 100% cotton face, 20 singles

  • jersey lined hood

  • classic fit

  • six notes design -professionally screenprinted

Note: True to size

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