Character determines legacy

Be reminded of this today, “Character determines your legacy.”

Stop and think about this quote for a while. Think about people of your past. Even people now. How do you remember them?

Character Determines Your Legacy.

What do you want your legacy to be?

Quote On Faith

“Faith isn’t the ability to see far and long into the misty future.

It’s simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.”

This quote reminds me so much of Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

This quote also reminds me of Frozen 2. Yes Disney movies have good messages too ;) When Anna is left in the devestation of loneliness with no Olaf, Christoff or Elsa. She slowly picks herself up and focuses on the Next Right Step.

Life can be hard. But thanks to the Good Lord, the Comforter, The Healer, The Almighty (there is a reason he has so many names by the way) we can fix our eyes on Him and focus on taking the next step. And the next right step always leads to Him.

And if you don’t know which way to go, look to His Word.

Importants of Mercy

Sometimes I like to get out my very first bible ever. The NLT application study bible. Some people don’t like the NLT translation as much because of how it doesn’t translate as accurately but I love it. It’s verbaige in many passages simplifies the text for me. Helps give me an overall understanding. Then if I want to know deeper, I dive into my NIV or ESV. Anyways, NLT has helped me lots with Romans 9.

Today, in my study it talked about Jacob and Esau. When it uses these two names it references the individuals and the nations as a whole. Jacob was a father of the Israelites and Esau the Edomites. In this passage Paul speaks to God’s sovereign choice to use Jacob the younger brother over Esau. It was His will. It was not the works of anything good or bad that the brothers (twins) did which is referenced in verse 11 but the will or election of God.

In the study portion of the NLT bible it speaks to the importance God’s will and mercy in our faith and I wanted to share it below.

Study Application Point:

The fallacy of gaining salvation by human effort remains as strong as ever-people still think good intentions are the key to unlocking the door to eternal life. By the time they get to try the lock, they will find that their key does not fit.

Others imagine that their efforts are building an invisible ladder to Heaven made up of service, family, position, reputation, good works, and desire, although none of these rungs will support a feather. People are so busy trying to reach God that they completely miss the truth that God has already reached down to them. We cannot earn God‘s mercy- if we could, it would not be mercy.

The NT over and over again (especially the apostle paul) speaks to the importance of faith. Faith over works. Faith over the law. We are saved by faith and faith alone. And it is because of God’s mercy for us that we are saved.

Often times we overlook familiar words. But these words should always be at the forefront of the Christian faith along with the work of our Savior. Fix your eyes and thoughts here today: Truth, Grace, Mercy, Faith.

Truth, Grace, Mercy, Faith.