When I was going through a parenting class 10 years ago, I heard Andy Stanley say, “later is longer” meaning disciplining your child in the first five years of life will pay off when you get to the teaching, coaching and even friendship stages in life. I’ve never forgotten that phrase and use it in so many parts of my life. I use it to encourage a friend at work, a marriage struggling, sports and of course parenting. Especially parenting. And especially parenting our #4.
I even have a prayer that I often will read in the morning to remind and encourage.
Lord, in my weary, help me remember
Later is Longer.
The constant battle, the constant struggle,
the persistence needed, will be rewarded.
The constant diligence, the constant parenting,
a life of patience, will pay of tomorrow.
This moment is not easy,
this now is wearing,
Lord, keep pushing me forward,
hopeful in hardship,
because later is longer.
The now is temporary. A moment in passing.
Help me build for the long haul,
putting in the work,
the exhausting, numbing and weary work,
because our life in the later awaits.
And I pray that the life that awaits is rewarded by the work that was put in now.
Help me see the strong-will as a gift that needs to be honored.
Yet one that needs to be honed in your love. In your will.
Lord help me in my now,
give me the strength to endure,
the actions to evolve
and the words to ensure.
Guide me in this journey in raising your own.
You’re beautifully, stubborn, strong willed yours.
A child who will learn to live a later with you.
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photo by Joanna Klapperick