Joshua and Jesus - the meaning of their name

Luke 1:31. “You will name him Jesus.”

Jesus was the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua.

Joshua was a common name meaning, “the LORD saves”

Just as Joshua had led the Israelites into the promise land so Jesus would lead his people onto eternal life.

The symbolism of his name would not be lost on the people of his day, who took names seriously. They saw them as a source of power.

Moses vs. Mary - The Response

God called Moses to deliver the people out of Egypt which foreshadows Jesus delivering his people out of sin and slavery. In Jesus’ story, Mary was much like Moses and called by the Heavens to deliver the Savior. It’s quite interesting to compare the two in their initial response to God’s command. Moses vs Mary. We know from the Exodus story that Moses, while great as a leader, had quite the many objections to God. He had excuse after excuse for God to send him:

  • Who am I? (3:11)

  • Who is sending me? (3:13)

  • What if they don’t believe me? (v 4:1),

  • I am not good with words? (4:10)

  • He even pleads in verse 13 “please don’t send me.”

But when God calls upon Mary to bring forth the deliverer, there is but one very natural question of how would she bear a child since she is a virgin. She listens, understands and submits to God’s plan of deliverance. She quite simply and humbly states, “I am your servant.”

What is our response to God? I’m guessing we don’t have quite the grand task of delivering a nation or our Savior… but we are called.

Do we respond with objection after objection or do we humbly say yes.

An Advent Prayer

A beautiful poem and simple prayer for your Advent season. May you have the most blessed and Christ centered Advent and Christmas season.

To us a child was born. 

Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace.

This gift of God incarnate, he came for you, and for me.


Born in a stable. Laid in a manger filled with hay. 

The anticipated Savior came in an unexpected way.


Make room. In your hurry. In your busy. In your mess.

He comes to humble places.


His invitation is your redemption. Your restoration. Your salvation.

He is hope, love, joy and peace.

His gift is light in a world of darkness. 


To us a child was born. Immanuel. God with us.

He came and he is coming again. 

Hallelujah. Amen.


Open up your bible and dive deeper into these verses:

  • Micah 7:7

  • Isaiah 9:6-7

  • John 1:14

  • Isaiah 7:14

  • Matthew 1:21

  • Zechariah 9:9

  • John 1:9

  • John 8:12

  • Colossians 1:19

  • Luke 1:78-79


Heavenly Father,

In this season of Advent, remind us to make room for you.

Help us to remember that you are the greatest gift.

Use us to shine your light and to share your love, hope, joy and peace with the world around us.



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Why Ornaments and Evergreens For Christmas?

I always wonder how things got started. How certain things began. Or why they are the way they are. I found the start of using evergreen trees, lights and ornaments very interesting. Makes me want to always incorporate red ornament bulbs on my tree.

How Do We Respond to the Impossible

comparing Abraham, Zechariah, and Mary.

In scripture we read about Sarah and Abraham and the miraculous story of conception. God promised this faithful couple, the Father of a Nation, the man who God gave the unconditional covenant to, a baby in their old age.

What was their response?

They laughed.

Then God sends the Angel Gabriel to Zechariah, a man who God sees as righteous - 1:6, a priest who had the divine privilege of entering the sanctuary of the Lord. The Angel Gabriel tells him he was also conceive a baby.

What was his response?


Then we see Mary. A humble teenage girl in the town of Nazareth. She was to deliver the Savior as a virgin. A miraculous conception.

What was her response?

“I am the Lord’s servant.”

May our response to God’s will and impossible circumstances not be laughter and doubt but a willing acceptance and yes.