Book List: Favorite Christian Fiction

Christian Fiction or Biblical Fiction have been such a game changer for me.  My free time to read is almost non-existant and I often get burnt out from in-depth Bible studies. Reading one of these books allows me to still keep Christ focused while reading for pleasure. 

I want to start sharing my favorite books with you over the next few months.  I've read a lot of Christian or Biblical Fiction books.  I've found a few gems and want to share my favorite authors with you.  But first I want to share the book that  was the game changer for me.  I've read the series multiple times and could read it again.  It challenged me to be bold in my faith and helped me find an interest in what it looked like to be a Christian in Roman times.  

I have yet to find a person who doesn't love this book - The Mark of the Lion Series.

image from Life and Lit blog

Mark of the Lion takes place in 70 A.D. during the fall of Jerusalem and is about a young Jewish/Christian girl, Haddasah, who is sold into slavery to a wealthy Roman family. Haddassah has a gentle quiet spirit as she serves those around her impacting this family in beautiful ways. There are love scenes, twists, gladiators, harsh realities and bold stances in faith.

The key to this book is to get past the first 100 pages.  Say what?!  I know.  100 pages is a lot.  You meet a ton of characters and the story line is set for the next two books after this.  But be warned... once you get to page 101, clear your schedule.  You're going to want to read right to the end.  Maybe even end of book 3.

I might have to start reading this book again.

