Prayer for a strong-willed child

When I was going through a parenting class 10 years ago, I heard Andy Stanley say, “later is longer” meaning disciplining your child in the first five years of life will pay off when you get to the teaching, coaching and even friendship stages in life.  I’ve never forgotten that phrase and use it in so many parts of my life.  I use it to encourage a friend at work, a marriage struggling, sports and of course parenting.  Especially parenting. And especially parenting our #4.

I even have a prayer that I often will read in the morning to remind and encourage.

Lord, in my weary, help me remember

Later is Longer.

The constant battle, the constant struggle,

the persistence needed, will be rewarded.

The constant diligence, the constant parenting,

a life of patience, will pay of tomorrow.

This moment is not easy,

this now is wearing,

Lord, keep pushing me forward,

hopeful in hardship,

because later is longer.

The now is temporary. A moment in passing.

Help me build for the long haul,

putting in the work,

the exhausting, numbing and weary work,

because our  life in the later awaits.

And I pray that the life that awaits is rewarded by the work that was put in now.

Help me see the strong-will as a gift that needs to be honored.

Yet one that needs to be honed in your love. In your will.

Lord help me in my now,

give me the strength to endure,

the actions to evolve

and the words to ensure.

Guide me in this journey in raising your own.

You’re beautifully, stubborn, strong willed yours.

A child who will learn to live a later with you.


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photo by Joanna Klapperick



Praying Isaiah 41:10

Pray this do not fear prayer based on Isaiah 41:10

Lord, help me to trust and not fear, resting in the promise that you are always near.  Even when I do not understand, help my faith to stand firm and not be shaken.  Trusting that while you may not give us the answer, you give us yourself.  Strengthening us, holding and helping us, promising us your righteousness, power, and care.
May we always remember your words to us here.  Amen.


Do not fear
For I am with you
Do not be dismayed
For I am your God
I will strengthen you
I will help you
I will hold you
With my righteous right hand
Isaiah 41:10

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photo by Joanna Klapperick



Prayer For The Uninspired

I sit here dried up, uninspired

pen in hand, but not to paper

My mind anywhere but here

my mornings dull and dry

My heart is thirsting for you

but my head distracted and my soul so weary


I know I’ll find life in your words

but my eyes just pass over and glaze


Oh show me the way

clear my head

consume my thoughts

breakthrough my soul

and flood my spirit


Help me out of this wilderness

this desert

and to the well

Lift your cup to my lips

for a taste of your goodness


Melt my hurry and worry

Chip away what this world has hardened

May this body be revived by your spirit

my soul renewed with your word

my head filled with your perfect peace

and my mind surrender to your will


As you breathed life into the dust in the Garden,

breathe life into my wilderness now.


We praise you, Oh God.


Prayer to begin Lent and Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday ushers in the season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter. It comes from the Old English word - lencten meaning “spring” This liturgical season coincides with springtime, calling to mind new life and growth.

Lent is meant to be a time of repentance. That’s not a feeling of shame but an awareness that sin separates us from God and of what it cost Him to be reunited with us. To start this season we give you these words to reflect and prayer to remember.

Remembering leads us to repentance

Repentance leads us to revival

There is a turning in repentance 

an acknowledgment that obedience requires

A reversing from our own ways 

A releasing  of our own desires

We must be willing to reorient ourselves 

We must be willing to reorder our lives

Repentance means returning

to the ways of the upside down Kingdom 

to the only One who can reverse and revive what sin has broken and stolen

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

show us what is true of us

May our yearning lead to our turning

Remind us and revive us, Oh Lord

Gracious Father,

Help us to remember that you alone are life and light.

Remind us that the reversal of the darkness and brokenness in this world

is only possible through the saving work of Christ.

By your Holy Spirit,

give us eyes to see the places in our lives where we are going our own way.

Lead us to return to you. Guide us as we follow you.

Renew us and revive our hearts, we pray.


Open up your bible and dive deeper into these verses:

  • Hosea 12:6

  • Hosea 14:1

  • Joel 2:13

  • Nehemiah 1:9

  • Jeremiah 24:7

  • 2 Chronicles 15:4

  • Isaiah 55:7

  • Isaiah 44:22

  • James 4:8

  • 1 Peter 2:25

  • Luke 15:20

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Lent Prayer and Reflection:  Lent bible verses

Words from Aimee Thornton - a dear friend of Six Notes whose words always inspire us.


Be Loved & Be Love

As we draw upon Valentine’s Day, let us remember how precious and perfect the love of our Savior is. And while our earthly relationships may fall short, He never will. And may we love others more and more like He loves us.


“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” - John 15:9

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” - John 15:12

Pray and meditate on this:

His love- lavished on us.

Unconditional and unlimited.

Never weighted by worth.

Remain in his love that remains.

And love because he loved you first.

His love cannot be earned.

There is nothing expected or required in return.

He makes no demands. There’s no reason to strive.

He invites you to come and simply abide.

His love compels you to love like he loves-

to choose love, to show love, to BE love.

His love grows your love.

Rest. Remain. Just be.

You are his beloved.


And BE love.

Open up your bible and dive deeper into these verses:

  • John 13:34-35

  • 1 John 4:16

  • Ephesians 3:17-19

  • Matthew 22:37

  • Deuteronomy 6:5

  • 1 John 3:1

  • 1 Corinthians 13

  • John 15:9-14

  • Luke 6:35

  • Romans 5:8

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for your perfect love for us.

Though it is hard for us to comprehend your perfect, holy love,

remind us that when we love you first and remain in your love,

we are able to more rightly love others. 

By your Spirit, equip us and guide us to lead with love in all we say and do.


christian poem: be loved and be love

Words from Aimee Thornton - a dear friend of Six Notes whose words always inspire us.