Morning Prayer

Pray this as you start your day today.

Lord as the day begins

help me start anew.

Learning from yesterday’s struggles,

forgiving and healing from yesterday’s pain.

Prepare my feet for mission,

my heart for service and love.

Ready my hands for helping

and open my eyes to the needs

you want me to see.

Clear the destructions,

bring praise to my lips.

I am yours today, Lord,

lead me to where you

would have me be.

morning prayer


A Prayer For When Tragedy Strikes

I was reading in my Psalms for Praying book today and read the prayer below. It felt very fitting in lieu of recent events and wanted to share. In all honesty, when dark tragedies like these strike, you lose words. You don’t know how to prayer and that’s all you want to do. It’s okay to find those guided prayers. Prayers of lament and frustration. Open up your Bible and turn to Psalms and Lamentations; a perfect place to go to.. Then just be still in the silence and sit in the frustration, sadness and even hope and longing for our eternal coming.

prayer for tragedies