Meaning of the Three Gifts The Wisemen Brought

When reading commentaries of the Christmas story, we are told so many tid bits of information that sometimes it clouds out who Jesus really was and is. But here the Magi, pagans, non-Jews knew who this King was and their gifts reflected Our Saviors character and purpose.


Entrance of Jesus

I just love this excerpt from Max Lucado’s book, The God Who Knows Your Name. Just a great reminder of the incredible great lengths our Savior went to be with us.

Didn’t have to did he?

Jesus could have become a voice - a voice in the air.

Jesus could have become a message - a message in the sky.

Jesus could have become a light - a light in the night.

But he became more, so much more. He became flesh. Why? Why did he take the journey? Why did he go so far?

Might the answer include this word: you?

Jesus came to be near you. Any concerns you might have about his power and love were removed from the discussion the moment he became flesh and entered the world.

What a beginning. What an entrance. What a moment.

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