Morning Prayer - The One Things

Prayer this prayer today - may we loosen our grip on the things we need and hold them out to the Savior instead to receive Him.

The One Thing

We hold tight to the things we think we need.

Spending ourselves for what we can get.

Searching for the greatest, the biggest, the best.

How quickly and easily we forget.

Only one thing is needed.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

The image of the invisible God.

He came so that we could have life and have it to the full.

The fullness of God was born for us.

He holds nothing back.

He offers all of us- all of himself.

The True Gift is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

He IS abundantly more.

He gifts US abundantly more.

The greatest gift is freely given

without regret or reservation.

The only thing we really need

is to loosen our grip and open our hands to receive.

Open up your bible and dive deeper into these verses:

  • Luke 10:41-42

  • John 10:10

  • John 1:9

  • Colossians 1:15-20

  • James 1:17

  • Isaiah 9:6

  • Ephesians 3:20-21

Heavenly Father,

May we learn to let go of the things we shouldn’t hold

and live out of his abundance.

May his gifts be an overflow

from our open hands into the world around us.

For his Kingdom and for his glory.


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Favor and Fullfillment

We often underplay the significance of each part of the Christmas Story because of it’s familiarity. Because of how commercialized it’s become. For example, when the angel Gabriel visits Mary we often have this view of a simple white light standing before a very peaceful Mary. Like she’s been expecting him over for tea.

But in reality can you imagine how alarming it would have been to have an angel before you?  I mean, Mary has the Old Testament in mind, angels were often alarming! There is a reason the angel Gabriel tells her to not be afraid. She has found favor. He even reassures her twice!  Calling her favored in verse 28 and then telling her right away again in verse 30 that she has found favor. The angel Gabriel needed to calm her fears, he was about to drop a major message on her. The message of fulfillment.

 Mary was a direct part of God’s redemption plan.  He was using her to fulfill scripture.  She was to be the virgin Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 7:14.  You, Mary, are to bear the child that was promised to the Israelites for hundresds and hundreds of years.  The greatly anticipated son that will be given to them. The One they will look to rescue them.  The son that will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.  That is the son you will bear onto them.  He is the promised one.  The Son of God himself. He is the fulfillment of the new covenant.  The prophet Jeremiah speaks of in 23:5, the son of David, whose throne will never end.  

That Mary is how you found favor. You are delivering the Promised Child. Scripture fullfillment. Anticipated One. You are delivering the Hope of the world.

Hope For New Life

In just nine short days, we are about to celebrate the very special moment when humans were given hope for new life. Have you been preparing your heart?

Our Whole Life Is An Advent Season

Advent Seasons is a beautiful season of preparing our hearts for Christmas. But it is also a foreshadow of what is to come. Do we live in light of what is to come? Are we preparing for the return of Christ?