Hope For New Life

In just six short days, we are about to celebrate the very special moment when humans were given hope for new life. Have you been preparing your heart?

Mary's Response to God's Call

In scripture we read about Sarah and Abraham and the miraculous story of conception. God promised this faithful couple, the Father of a Nation, the man who God gave the unconditional covenant to, a baby in their old age.

What was their response?

They laughed.

Then God sends the Angel Gabriel to Zechariah, a man who God sees as righteous - 1:6, a priest who had the divine privilege of entering the sanctuary of the Lord. The Angel Gabriel tells him he was also conceive a baby.

What was his response?


Then we see Mary. A humble teenage girl in the town of Nazareth. She was to deliver the Savior as a virgin. A miraculous conception.

What was her response?

“I am the Lord’s servant.”

May our response to God’s will and impossible circumstances not be laughter and doubt but a willing acceptance and yes.



Stump of Jesse Prophecy - Meaning

“Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.”

Isaiah 11:1

Right before this verse, Isaiah tells about how the mighty will fall.  The mighty cedar trees of Lebanon will be cut down which represents the Lord humbling the proud among Judah – His chosen people.  All that will be left of the forest will be stumps. 

The royal household of David will have been dormant for 600 years.  Isaiah 11:1 shares it’s from this fallen and humbled nation the Messiah will come; it’s these stumps that a shoot will spring forth – Jesus, tender like a new green little shoot coming as the Messiah from a seemingly dead stump or nation.  The Lord wanted Judah to know that even though the Assyrians and others would come and bring judgment, God would still use them to bring forth life from them. 

fun side note:

By using Jesse the Lord emphasized the humble nature of the Messiah.  Jesse was much less famous than King David. It’s more humble to say “from Jesse” than to say “from King David.”



Christmas Prayer - The One Thing

Prayer this prayer today - may we loosen our grip on the things we need and hold them out to the Savior instead to receive Him.

The One Thing

We hold tight to the things we think we need.

Spending ourselves for what we can get.

Searching for the greatest, the biggest, the best.

How quickly and easily we forget.

Only one thing is needed.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

The image of the invisible God.

He came so that we could have life and have it to the full.

The fullness of God was born for us.

He holds nothing back.

He offers all of us- all of himself.

The True Gift is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

He IS abundantly more.

He gifts US abundantly more.

The greatest gift is freely given

without regret or reservation.

The only thing we really need

is to loosen our grip and open our hands to receive.

Heavenly Father,

May we learn to let go of the things we shouldn’t hold

and live out of his abundance.

May his gifts be an overflow

from our open hands into the world around us.

For his Kingdom and for his glory.


written by Aimee Thornton



Best Christmas Playlist

It’s about this time every year that I tend to burn out on Radio Christmas music. If that’s you, check out this playlist. It’s over 2 hours long and we shuffle it constantly at home and in the car. It’s become our absolute favorite.

This is a preview… for full version visit here

Last year we even decided to be daring and pay for the premium subscription so we didn’t have to listen to commericals. Totally worth it. There is something about listening to the Word of God throughout worship with out “worldly” interruptions.

