Quote - Not the What... the who

“It’s not what we have in our lives. It’s who we have”

This was such a beautiful reminder. We pray that you remember this shift in perspective. From the what to the who. From the earthly to the heavenly. Thank you KTIS for this reminder.



Isaiah 58:11

photo by Joanna Klapperick



1 Peter 3:11

I suggest reading the whole passage, especially verse 8-17. A simple instruction guide to life. But these two concepts right here can do a whole lot of good as we walk through life.

  • Do good

  • Pursue peace

Photo by Joanna Klapperick



Genuine faith quote

What is Genuine Faith? This quote is inspired from the book of James. James was the half brother of Jesus and the devoted leader to the Jerusalem church after the disciples scattered. Blue Letter Bible says this about him;

”When he (James) did follow Jesus, he followed with great devotion. An early history of the church says that James was such a man of prayer that his knees had large and thick calluses, making them look like the knees of a camel. It also says that James was martyred in Jerusalem by being pushed from a high point of the temple. Yet the fall did not kill him, and on the ground he was beaten to death, even as he prayed for his attackers.”

When ever I want to be inspired to live out my faith… I turn to James. Whenever I need the challenge to put faith into action… I turn to this quote.

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photo by Joanna Klapperick



Waiting on His return

Every time I hear of destruction over in Israel, I’m reminded the Lord’s return COULD be near. It’s a reminder to run our race and always be ready. And how do I get ready? By waiting on His perfect timing and standing firm in His word. Living for the eternal and not the now

His word, the Bible, all 66 books are a gift to us. Each book, chapter and verse were given to us for a reason. It all teaches us, reminds us and points to His plan for salvation. From Creation and Fall to the resurrection and hope of the New Heaven and Earth.

Are we ready? Are we waiting? Are we standing firm in His authority and word or are we standing in our own authority and will and living by our own thoughts and words.

You might have seen it this video before, it’s been around forever. But Francis Chan has an illustration that really brings this thought to life. Take a watch.

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