Bible Memorization Worksheets For Kids

As school is under way and a lot of us are teaching at home, we find ourselves in one or two “boats”. The “overwhelmed” or the “I need more”. If you are in the overwhelmed with taking on a new homeschooling position, move right on past this post and just know we are praying for you. However, if your kid’s need a little bit more work to do throughout the day, check out these fun worksheets!


These worksheets are to help with bible memorization, help your kids with reading and writing, and to be fun! We’ve included jokes, did you know and some fun games. We pray you love them as much as my kiddos do. My first born loves to show off and memorize the bible verses. My second on the other hand loves to find out the joke for that day’s worksheet and play the games. But he’s still reading and working on his fine motor and that’s what matters.

We also created these worksheets for ease of printing. #yourewelcome

One full page + black ink only = makes this momma happy.


You can find our past worksheets at the bottom of this post.


pin the worksheets for later!


Trust In The Lord - Bible Memorization Worksheet

My daughter asked for a word find again so we delivered on a slightly expanded version. My son also asked if he could tell the joke. So if you like it… thank him. I have a feeling I’ll be tapping into a few more comedic skills of his as we continue to roll out our worksheets.


As for the bible verse, we chose one pretty applicable to the times that we are experiencing. We’ve had a lot of questions from the kids about the unknown. We shared this bible verse with them and decided to share it with all of you as well.

We also encourage you to except the bottom right challenge of writing a letter to someone the kids are missing. Family, friend, teacher or classmate. Let them make mistakes with spelling. That’s okay! Encourage them to write it all on their own. Their own ideas, length and words. Maybe even add in a drawing. To help them with their letter we included an additional print out attached to the worksheet below.

Happy Memorizing.

Joyful Noise - School Worksheet

Day 4 for our Bible Memorization worksheets.


Seems like a super easy bible verse to memorize. YES! That’s the point. We already introduced three bible verses for your kids. That’s a lot of bible memorization for less than a week. And while we wanted to keep up on it, we didn’t want to defeat them. So use this time to go over your Flash cards from your previous days.

And while you are diving into these worksheets, go ahead an play some fun worship music! Here are a few youtube play lists my kids enjoy and I play in the background.


Bethel Kids

Hillsong Kids

And we’ve quickly found out the fun facts and joke section is a major highlight of these worksheets. Comment below with your Kid’s jokes! We’d love to hear them.


if you are new here, you can find previous free downloadable worksheets by clicking the button below.

Lamp Onto My Feet School Worksheet

Day 3 of our Bible Verse Memorization worksheets.


Change is good for the kids. It keeps them interested. So we mixed up the format for them and added in a few fun sections. My kids love jokes, especially my middle child. They may not always make sense when telling them but he still loves them.

Hope you enjoy and be sure to check out the extra resources for some fun activities. Including a special song to help them memorize.


Extra Resources:

We’ve included a few coloring pages today.

And remember this Sunday School Song?! It can help with memorizing. I still remember this song from when I was a kid. Songs can help so much.

Then plan ahead and print out tomorrows bible verse worksheet!

and if you need to play catch up, find our previous worksheets here.

Believe - Bible Memorization Worksheets

This story is a fantastic kid’s story. It’s the passage of the Apostle Paul and Silas in the jail cell when an earthquake happened and all the prisoner’s doors flew open and the chains fell off. But Paul, Silas and the other prisoners do not escape. And this jailer affected by the love and grace demonstrated by Paul and Silas asks, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved.” and they answer with the next verse we are about to memorize.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.”


We added in a fill in the blank section for more writing and to help with memorization. The worksheet is a little snug but our goal is to minimize paper and ink and keep it simple. For the younger ones who struggle with cutting, parents you may want to cut their worksheet in sections.


praying you enjoy and find this beneficial! We’ve included a few extra links and resources if you’d like to dive deeper. We’d also love to see your photos. Post to social media and tag us @sixnotesclothing Or email us and we’ll post for you ;)

all photos will be entered into a Giveaway to win a FREE “SET FREE” TEE! or Youth tee of your choice. Let’s stay connected however we can. And put a little joy into our newsfeeds and not fear of the unknown.


Extra resources:

Bible Project Acts video - This explains a little more on the life of Paul and his journey and mission. It’s a short 5 minute clip. This is definitely meant for the older children. Maybe 10 and up? My children will not be watching it quite yet as it is above their heads and a tish bit graphic but in a G rated way.

Crossroads Kids Club - This is a much simpler video geared toward younger kids with the same format. (ps… the kids thought the belly lint thing was hilarious, I might have gagged)

And if you are new with us, here is the previous day’s worksheet!

Plan ahead and print out tomorrow’s worksheet. But make sure to come back and visit to see our extra resources.