You are treasured

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

When diving into this verse, there is a really great analogy to help us understand why we are treasured.

A museum may be filled with quite ordinary things: hats, canes, shoes, and so forth; but they may be significant because they once belonged to someone famous. God takes ordinary people; and because He works in them, they are special.

In God’s museum of life we are his treasures.

We are treasured not by what we can do or by who we are, but are treasured because of whose we are.

And to finish off the verse, because we are treasured, his special possession, may we declare praises of him for he called us out of our darkness and into his light.

You are treasured

so shine for him

and declare his glory.

Celebrating SIX Years With Free Gifts

So it has been six years since we've launched  Six Notes Clothing.  Technically we started out as a different name.... but our little mission began!

And while we've been quiet here this lovely 2021 year because of the new addition to our family... by the way isn't he cute!

We still feel the need to celebrate.

And let's celebrate BIG!!!

Here is how.


Spend $20 
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards

Spend $40
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards 
AND Alpha and Omega Earrings

Spend $60
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
AND Cross Ring

Spend $80
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
AND Never Thirst Again Tumbler

Spend $100
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
AND His Ways Are Higher Hat

Spend $125
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
AND Leather Coasters

Spend $150
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
Leather Coasters
AND Cork Scripture Bracelets

Spend $200
and get a FREE set of Prayer Cards,
Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
Leather Coasters
 Cork Scripture Bracelets
AND  Search me and Know Me Journal

And as always we have FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50 with code: ENJOY

Important Detail. These free gifts will not show up in your check out cart but will be added! Rest assured.

and please note: there are limited quantity on certain items. We alerted our Newsletter subscribers earlier this week (perk for joining us in your inbox) , so if we've sold out of one of the freebie items, we will be sure to replace it with another comparable accessory.

Matthew 6:19-21 Study - Treasures.

Our new wallets are coming out that we designed the wallet to remind us of Matthew 6:20-21.

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

As with all our products we put a mini devotional together for you. Our products and our mission are to create reminders of God’s word throughout our day and draw us back to Him.

Mini Devotion:

In Matthew 6 Jesus is nearing the end of his famous Sermon on the Mount.  A message all about how it looks to follow him and how it looks to live in God’s Kingdom.  A new kind of kingdom.  An upside down kingdom where there are no privileged members .  Jesus’ mission is to transform the hearts of the people so they can truly love their King – God and his people.

In our passage 6:19-21 Jesus addresses the heart and our treasures.  We have a choice between two treasures.  Earthly and Heavenly, you can’t “serve” both.  Earthly treasures fade and are temporary, like money, success or material items.  But heavenly treasures last forever.  And what we treasure the most controls us.  Jesus urges us to keep our eyes fixed on those heavenly treasures.  Things eternal for it’s those heavenly treasures that last forever and bring enjoyment now.

Jesus gives us clues to those heavenly treasures as he continues on in the passage.  It’s giving, fellowship, serving, trust and seeking Him first among other heavenly treasures.  Our prayer as you use this wallet is to look beyond the earthly treasures and to focus your heart on the good that can be done for the Kingdom of God.  May our hearts rest there.

Unity In A Time Of Need

Tomorrow we cast our vote.

We choose.

We choose the leader of our country for the next four years. We all have opinions. Some of us strong. Some of us not so much. But we all have a choice.

Whatever your choice may be. Whatever your vote is. May we choose to unite. Not be divisive. May we be gracious winner and even more gracious losers. May we not fall prey to what we may or may not see and hear on the media.

May we find peace knowing that our God is still sovereign. He’s in control. Not matter who leads this country.

I have a feeling we are going to need constant reminders to draw together as one people rather than let emotions, feelings and what we see televised take control. I have an even stronger feeling that we will need to wear words to inspire people to come together as one. So we decided to run a sale on our One (Unity) tees.

We pray these tees are a simple reminder that we are a part of something bigger. Read our mini devotion below. While this tee is meant for the body of Christ, the church, we can also use this same message as members of this Nation.


Mini Devotion:

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” - Ephesians 4:4-6

In this passage in Ephesians, Paul is calling us to unity in the body of Christ.  Unity in the church. Ephesians 4:3 states to be united in the Spirit binding ourselves together in peace.

The body of Christ is made up of many individuals, all different and unique. Different cultures, life styles, and even values, and while we may not agree on every issue within the church, that is okay!  We are to just keep the unity of the Spirit. We can disagree on things like the rapture or whether Jesus was born in a cave or a barn.  But Paul states there are a few non-negotiables to unite on and those are what are truly essential to the faith and our salvation.

There is only one body or one church.  While we may separate ourselves and call our church Evangelical, Lutheran, Reformed etc, there is but one church.  Jesus’ church.  And the beautiful thing is, you can’t join it but you can be born into it.

There is also one Spirit. And while that Spirit may move differently within the individuals of the body, it is the same.  The same Spirit that works within each and every one of us; moving, interceding and guiding our lives.  This same Spirit is the one that gives us a peace that surpasses all understanding and reassures but also gives us great power. For this Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the one that lives in us. 

We also have one hope. And that hope is heaven with our one Lord and we are saved by one faith.  And that faith is welcomed in by one baptism as we are made new in our one true God. The one God who is over all, in all and living through all.

Be reminded to live as one.  Don’t let the little differences break the beautiful unity we have in Jesus.  For all these that we are one in are all greater than any potential difference.  


Fall Line coming 10/20/20

Our Fall Line is set to launch Tuesday, October 20th at 7pm!


And we couldn't be more excited and humbled to be able to join with Amborella House for our release.  Amborella House is another Minnesota based organization that helps women fully recover from the sex trafficking industry.  They are doing big things for His Kingdom and we are excited to donate back 25% of the proceeds raised during our Fall launch to support their mission.  

Our Fall Line will be available starting Tuesday, October 20th at 7pm on our website,, with new designs, new scripture and new apparel.  We are also hosting a fun OUTDOOR Six Notes event full of Live Music, hot beverages and community.  We have dearly missed the Six Notes community during Covid so we decided to throw a Covid friendly outdoor event.  Again 25% of proceeds during this event will be donated back to Amborella House.  You can find more information on our website,  ALL people and all ages are welcome.  We pray you can join us.

We are truly excited to celebrate God in all that He is doing for us even in a time where the world has seemed to take over.  He is not silent but actively pursuing us.  We pray our apparel, our accessories and this event and give back opportunity are great reminders that He is sovereign and worthy of our time and praise.