Day 21: Freedom in Christ

Day 21 - Freedom in Christ

Reading:  John 8:36, 1 Peter 2:24,  Romans 6:5-14


The first part of this passage is stating we have been united with Christ in his death.  Meaning, our old sinful nature has been crucified, our old sinful self is dead. It is important to see our sin as dead so we are no longer slaves to that sin.  Sin no longer has power over us.  But just as our sin died with Christ, we are also given new life with Christ. And the power of Christ now lives in us. And if Christ lives in us, we live to please God and not ourselves.

So if I’m dead to this sin, why do I still feel the temptation to sin?  It’s a battle of the Living Spirit within you and the flesh.  God still gives us choices, he doesn’t make us robots. Our flesh with our old life has been trained with old sinful habits, it’s influenced by the world, and the devil still seeks to tempt us. BUT the living power of God that now lives in us is fighting the flesh. And when we surrender to God and His will, when we commune with him daily, when we allow God’s Word to influence our thoughts, actions and emotions the battle with the flesh becomes less intense.

Romans 6:5-14 is a powerful passage. And it might be easy to understand that Christ’s death set us free but it’s hard to truly live out in our lives. At least for me it was.

I gave my life to Christ back in my last year of college. My old sinful self was quite nasty.  It was selfish and prideful.  I did things to my body I shouldn’t have.  I treated people the way I shouldn’t have.  I have one sin in particular that I’ll never forget.  But when I gave my life to Christ I knew that I was a new creation.  The old was gone and the new had come.   Jesus had forgiven my sin.  I knew he could forgive all sin.  So I allowed him to help me fight my battle against the flesh and my old sinful ways.  On the surface, life was good and I was being a good Christian.  But I never felt free.  I always wondered how I could live such a blessed life with such an icky past.  Until one day, a sermon changed my life.

He explained the brutality of the cross and why Jesus went through all the pain and suffering.  He did it because of his deep love for us and he wanted to set us free.  But freedom just doesn’t mean forgiveness it means breaking the chains of sin that holds us captive.  I still had these chains.  Then our pastor went on to challenge us to take these burdens and physically lay them at the foot of the cross, to let them go and give them to God.  I still couldn’t.  But then he pointed to the cross.  What he said next changed it all for me.  “And when you don’t. When you selfishly hold onto those burdens. You make a mockery of the cross.”

...mockery of the cross.

Think about that. I did and it changed everything for me. What Jesus went through was horrific and he did it so you and I could live in complete and utter freedom.  And when I didn't except this gift of freedom he so sacrificially and selflessly gave me, it showed my heart didn't truly understand, maybe even respect, him and all he gave up on the cross. It showed a scoffers glance.  So I laid my past down, I laid my sin down, I laid my burdens at the cross.  The weight has been lifted and I live in freedom.

Jesus didn’t just die to forgive us.  He died to completely set us free.  Free from sin. Free from death. Free from the chains that hold us captive.

  The power of sin is broken and we live in the freedom of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus broke the chains of sin and death. We are no longer slaves to sin. Sin no longer has a stronghold. We have been set free and given new life.  We get to live in the freedom of God’s grace. His wounds have healed us.

So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. - John 8:36

Six Notes Kid's Line Is Officially Here! - Video

We interrupt your Easter Reading Plan with an important announcement...

Our Kid's Line is officially launched!

About a month ago we asked six kids from Life Prep School in St. Paul to model our new Kid's Line.  This is the same school we donated Winter apparel to for our Winter Launch.  These kids were amazing and it was such a fun experience.  

We wanted to do something pretty special for these kids so we asked Laura Kleffman Photography to work her magic as usual and capture the day on camera.  Beyond being an amazing photograher, she has a way of making a gal, or in this case, the kids feel pretty special while having fun.

We photographed at a beautiful venue called John P Furber Farms.  I love this place and the hearts of the owners.  Finding a space in the winter is hard, especially finding one that is affordable.  Then Furber Farms goes and donates their space! 

Then as we started talking to more people about our plans to bless these kids, people wanted to start coming along side us.  Heidi with Ironworks team consulting gifted the children with a brand new pair of shoes and pants!  Each of the six kids!  I loved seeing their expressions when they realized they were able to keep the new shoes and pants.  One kid grabbed the new shoes and ran out forgetting the old pair!  

Then I met Meghan Bakken who is a videographer.  Meghan instantly got excited and joined us in capturing it all on video.  She has such a pure heart and it was so fun to work with her.  To me I just thought having a video would be fun and exciting.  Something different.  But to the kids... it was their highlight.  I overheard a couple times saying that they were going to be the next YouTube sensation.  First, I didn't know they knew what sensation was and second, I didn't want to crush their hopes with the fact that I have two followers.

But they had fun! And I'm so excited for them to see this video.  And maybe we can help make them the latest YouTube sensation.  Please share on facebook if you'd like ;)

Day 20 - Ascension and Great Commission

Day 20 - Ascension

  • Reading: Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-11

Over the last 40 days Jesus appeared to his disciples several times teaching them about what was written and the Kingdom of God, but now it was time for him to go home.  It was time for him to take his rightful place at the right hand of God the Father. 

A lot can be taken away from these messages but we’ll focus on his commission, promise, and his goodbye.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  Matthew 28:19

Jesus chose to use his last words to encourage his disciples to go out and spread the Word, to share the Gospel, to preach who He was and is.  They were not to sit and study, reminisce, or do life just with each other.  They were to go out and be on mission for Jesus-spreading the gospel beyond the Jews into the end of the earth.  And it’s because they listened that we have heard this Good News.  It’s because they took Jesus’ command seriously that we have the opportunities as Gentiles (non-Jews) to receive this salvation. 

This commission was not just for the disciples.  It is for us as well.  We are to heed this command. God created us all with unique gifts.  We may not be evangelists but we can all use our gifts to be on mission for Jesus.  It’s our duty as lovers of Jesus. We are to be living out the Gospel.  But don’t worry, Jesus knew this mission would be hard. Almost impossible without a helper.  So he promised the disciples and he promises you and I a Helper.

This promise of a Helper goes back to John 16:7: “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”   We’ll dive deeper into the power of the Holy Spirit in later days, but here Jesus reiterates and confirms His promise.  Acts 1:4-5  "Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before.  John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." 

Jesus knew the mission he set before them could not be accomplished without the work of the Holy Spirit in and around them.  Jesus knew that they really could do nothing effective for the Kingdom of God until the Spirit came.  This is an important concept for us to remember as well.  Just as God promises this gift to his disciples, he promises this gift of the Holy Spirit to us as well.  And just as the disciples needed the Holy Spirit to do the work of God, we need the power of the Holy Spirit to be on mission for God.

“After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud...” Acts 1:9.  Jesus didn’t just reappear and disappear as he did during the last 40 days.  He deliberately and physically rose into the heavens while the disciples watched.  They needed to know that this was it.  Jesus was finished in a physical sense down on earth.  He taught and discipled his people all that they needed to know.  He was now entrusting them to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. They were now to be on mission. 

Day 19 - Jesus Appears To The Disciples

Day 19 - Jesus appears to the disciples

  • Reading: John 20:19-23, John 20: 24-31,  Luke 24:44-48

Yesterday we read about the empty tomb and the angels who declared “that Jesus has risen.”  Today we talk about the Risen Savior who visits his disciples – his friends.  In fact, verse 19 tells us that Jesus came the same day He resurrected, and He declares a message of peace.  First off, he could have gone anywhere!  He was the Risen King!  Yet, he decided to be with his people, his disciples.  And he goes with the calming and reassuring message of peace. I wonder if Jesus came with a message of peace because what he just went through gave us true peace.  He conquered sin and evil so we could have peace with God.  He destroyed the separation between God and his people. We now have direct access to God and the God of peace now dwells within us.  He gave us the ultimate peace!

And as he speaks this message, he shows them his body.  God was going to use these disciples to change the world.  They were going to be his messengers that preached His Good News across the nations.  When Jesus appeared with his message and his body, he was confirming all that he shared when he was among them.  He was validating all that he foretold that he came to do.  He wanted his disciples to know without a doubt that he died but now he lives and he lives because he is God.  A God who came down to set his people free.  These disciples need to see and feel those scars. They needed to touch the risen body because Jesus would someday soon be sending them on the hardest mission yet - to preach the Gospel to all the nations.

Jesus not only appeared to the disciples that day but several times after. Luke 24:44-48 highlights a little of what he may have been doing. A bible study.  “He was opening their minds to understand the scriptures.” What was written in the Law of Moses (first 5 books of the Bible), the prophets and the Psalms.  He took what we have been doing but on steroids and with complete accuracy because he is who was written about.  Can you imagine that?!  Jesus himself, talking about himself, and what he himself fulfilled, because he was the very thing that we needed to be made right before God. He was and is the answer! 

But here is the beautiful thing, as Jesus opened the minds of the disciples to understand all that has been written, we have the Holy Spirit in us to help us understand. I truly believe the Holy Spirit helps me every time I read and then type a message on this blog.  I didn’t even like writing before I started learning all these truths about Jesus over the last several years, and yet when I type the Holy Spirit helps it to flow and make sense!  I know I am physically doing it as there are plenty of typos and grammatical errors, but on many days the message is beyond my capability.  Thats what’s so awesome about the Holy Spirit alive in us!  But let’s save this message for another day.  Day 25 to be exact ;)

May we not merely gain knowledge.  Instead, as we learn, may we grow and confess and change more into the people we’ve been created to be by the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us. - Francis Chan⠀