Grief to Joy - What If

Another reading I wanted to share with you from Lysa Terkeurst’s book Forgiving What You Can’t Forget. This if from her chapter “They thought God would save them”

“Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.  You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.  A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.  So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”  - John 16:20-22

He didn’t promise their grief would be taken away and replaced with joy.  He promised the grief would turn into joy.  The grief would produce the joy.  The grief was part of the journey, but it would not be the way it would all end.

What they had prayed for was someone to free them from the oppression of the Roman government. They got a servant who washed their feet.  They wanted a ruler; they got a teacher.  They wanted a justice-seeking king; they got a kindhearted healer.  Their answer never looked like they thought it would.  They thought they were on a journey to Jesus taking the throne, but instead He took up His cross. 

They thought God would save them.

And He did.

The disciples were absolutely grieved…until they were utterly amazed.

Just like Jesus said would happen, their sorrow turned to joy.


What if in the grief you are feeling now, what if our requests, though completely logical and reasonable, aren’t what we think they are?  Yes, from an earthly perspective, they are exactly what makes sense.  But what if God sees things we can’t possibly see?  What if, from His perspective, what we are asking for is not at all what we’d want if we could see everything from His complete, eternal, perfect vantage point?

What if we’ve been thinking of this all wrong?

What if…

Celebrating SIX Years With Free Gifts

So it has been six years since we've launched  Six Notes Clothing.  Technically we started out as a different name.... but our little mission began!

And while we've been quiet here this lovely 2021 year because of the new addition to our family... by the way isn't he cute!

We still feel the need to celebrate.

And let's celebrate BIG!!!

Here is how.


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Never Thirst Again Tumbler
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Alpha and Omega Earrings,
Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
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Cross Ring,
Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
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Never Thirst Again Tumbler
His Ways Are Higher Hat
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 Cork Scripture Bracelets
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and please note: there are limited quantity on certain items. We alerted our Newsletter subscribers earlier this week (perk for joining us in your inbox) , so if we've sold out of one of the freebie items, we will be sure to replace it with another comparable accessory.