God vs. The Law - The Ladder Analogy

“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,” - Romans 5:20

God vs. Law

In Romans 5 the Apostle Paul is writing about the need for the law to show where sin is, the need to know right and wrong. He also shares with us how sin came to be and that is through Adam. But we now have Jesus and with Jesus we have hope through grace that covers all sin because Jesus is the perfect Adam.

When studying this verse, I came across this beautiful illustration of God (or Jesus and grace) vs the Law (sin) and I wanted to share it with you all.

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As a sinner, separated from God, you see his law from below as a ladder to be climbed to get to God.  Perhaps you have repeatedly tried to climb it only to fall to the ground every time you have advanced one or two rungs. Or perhaps the sheer height of the ladder seems so overwhelming that you have never even started up.  In either case what relief you should feel to see Jesus offering with open arms to lift you above the ladder of the law and take you directly to God.  Once Jesus lifts you into God’s presence you are free to obey – out of love not necessity and through God’s power not your own.  You know that if you stumble you will not fall back down to the ground.  Instead, you will be caught and held in Christ’s loving arms.

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Our pastor has shared another illustration with us on numerous occasion. You picture a staircase, with a door to “enlightenment”. In most religions, you climb the staircase to get to the door to finally open to enlightment. But in Christianity, the door is at the beginning. When you say yes to Jesus, you walk through the door and into “enlightenment” and then climb the staircase.

Both of these illustrations show the importance of faith and grace. It’s not performance. There are no steps. You can’t earn salvation. You simply open the door or lift your arms to Jesus.

We pray you remember this each and every day living in his abounding grace.  For it is not what you do, but what he has already done.

Where grace abounds sweatshirt

Encouragment to stay Steadfast

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58

In my study bible I read these words, “Paul says this because of the resurrection knowing that Christ has won the ultimately victory should affect the way we live right now.  Don’t let discouragement over the apparent lack of results keep you from doing the work of the Lord enthusiastically as you have the opportunity.”

Guys, here is my right now – a stinker, strong willed little almost 2 year old.  This verse.  This sweatshirt.  This bible study application right here, couldn’t have hit at a better time.  Our output in patience, consistency and appropriate discipline is at an all time high and we’ve had very very little results.  It’s draining and discouraging but I hold steadfast.  God has granted the wonderful (sometimes exhausting) privilege of raising these beautiful children for Him.  Children who will know God and live in light of the resurrection.  So I hold steadfast and unwavering.  I trust that God is partnering with me in this.  And when days that are beyond hard come, I’m going to put on the sweatshirts as a reminder.  Even if I have to dig it out of the dirty laundry. (okay maybe not)

I know there are so many of you also struggling.  Waiting for that deal to close, mission to grow, friend to change.  You’ve worked or prayed for so many hours.  You feel called and passionate yet nothing is growing or moving.  I pray you remain steadfast.  Look beyond the lack, the discouragement, and hold onto the promise and hope.

steadfast: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Renewed Morning Playlist

Renewed. To make new again.

Now that we have settled into the New Year and set our ‘word” or intentions for going forward, may we shift our Heavenly focus and take this time to be Renewed in Christ. Look back at the last year, cherish the joys and blessings, take it in and then shift our gaze to what 2023 looks like with Christ. Maybe last year was a beautiful year of growth. On the other hand, maybe it was a year of struggle and wilderness. Whatever it may have been, every year, month, and day is a new moment in time to decide to live a life bound to Christ living for him in this world.

Be steadfast in the faith, renewed by His grace and love, living in the hope of the coming. Enjoy this morning playlist. Listen to the words as you sit with the Lord, dive deeper into the verses and set your heart in prayer with Him.

Be renewed.

Click here and head to spotify.

Then read and pray this…

“Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough You bring to me. Hold me close to You with a willing spirit that obeys whatever You say. Continually revitalize me, implanting within me the passion to do what pleases You. Because of the blood of Your cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to Yourself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! And when I am fully restored, You will rejoice and take delight in every offering of my life as I bring my sacrifices of righteousness before You in love!”

and Dive Deeper by opening your Bible to these verses:

  • Psalm 51:12 (TPT)

  • Philippians 2:13 (TPT)

  • Colossians 1:20 (TPT)

  • Psalm 51:19 (TPT)


having been resumed, re-established, or revived.

Renewed: Christian morning playlist

2 Hour Christian Christmas Playlist

We’ve created a 2 hour playlist for you on Spotify that features our favorite Gospel Centered Chrismas songs!

Play it for your roadtrip, opening present time or just on repeat all weekend.

It’s a good one.

just a tip… we opted for the commercial free trial to enjoy only music this time of year! Just mark the end date on your calendar.