Ash Wednesday ushers in the season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter. It comes from the Old English word - lencten meaning “spring” This liturgical season coincides with springtime, calling to mind new life and growth.
Lent is meant to be a time of repentance. That’s not a feeling of shame but an awareness that sin separates us from God and of what it cost Him to be reunited with us. To start this season we give you these words to reflect and prayer to remember.
Remembering leads us to repentance
Repentance leads us to revival
There is a turning in repentance
an acknowledgment that obedience requires
A reversing from our own ways
A releasing of our own desires
We must be willing to reorient ourselves
We must be willing to reorder our lives
Repentance means returning
to the ways of the upside down Kingdom
to the only One who can reverse and revive what sin has broken and stolen
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
show us what is true of us
May our yearning lead to our turning
Remind us and revive us, Oh Lord
Gracious Father,
Help us to remember that you alone are life and light.
Remind us that the reversal of the darkness and brokenness in this world
is only possible through the saving work of Christ.
By your Holy Spirit,
give us eyes to see the places in our lives where we are going our own way.
Lead us to return to you. Guide us as we follow you.
Renew us and revive our hearts, we pray.
Open up your bible and dive deeper into these verses:
Hosea 12:6
Hosea 14:1
Joel 2:13
Nehemiah 1:9
Jeremiah 24:7
2 Chronicles 15:4
Isaiah 55:7
Isaiah 44:22
James 4:8
1 Peter 2:25
Luke 15:20
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