Christian Playlist - Heaven and Earth

If you are like us over in this household, school has started, new schedules begin and my mind never stops planning, scheduling and keeping things organized. So to slow down and enjoy the day, I’ve been loving this hour long playlist. It’s my favorite one so far we’ve created.

The playlist focuses on the tension between Heaven and Earth. How we long for Heaven and the life to come but yet yearn to stay on Earth with what we know and who we love. We pray you love this as much as we do. May you find rest in His Glory as we pilgrimage through this life longing for Yahweh.

Listen Here: Or preview the playlist below.

Remember to “heart” the playlist in Spotify and save for later in your library

These playlist are created by a local musician - Legend Ozoro. Find her music here.

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Christian Playlist - At His Feet

To sit at the feet of Jesus. I’m reminded of these two passages. Two very unique. Two very different people. Two very different situations. But both inspiring in faith. May we take time each day to sit at the feet of Jesus. Sit and learn. Sit and be still. Sit in aw of His goodness.

Luke 8:35:

“The people went out to see what had happened; and they came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting down at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind…”

Luke 10:39

“She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.”

preview below or play in spotify - be sure to click the “heart” and save for later.

These playlist are created by a local musician - Legend Ozoro. Find her music here.



You Are The God Who...

Some days we just need to reflect on who God is to remember how great of a God we serve and are loved by.

You are the God who creates.

The God who faithfully instructed Noah.

Who promises a legacy to Abraham.

Who scatters the proud Babelonians.

Who wrestles with Jacob.

The One who takes care of Joseph.

The One who delivers Moses.

Leads His people through the wilderness.

Who protects those like Caleb who believe.

The One who falls our enemies of Jericho

Who fulfills our destinies like Joshua

The One who is thunder and power, yet the One who comes to us in a whisper. The One who orders the Cosmos and balances the Galaxies yet you quiet our anxious souls. You rule over the rulers of this world and lead the quiet shepherd.

You are the God of the mighty and the weak. God of authority and lowley. The God who was faithful then, is faithful now, and will always be.

Help me to remember the God of the Bible is the God of today and the God of my heart.


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I Thank You For Sunshine, I Thank You For Rain

If you go on Instagram or any social network and watch reels, you’ll often hear these lyrics:

Lord, I thank you for sunshine

I thank you for rain

I thank you for joy

I thank you for pain

It’s a beautiful day now.

The sunshine and joy are easy to be thankful for but the rain and pain can be much more challenging. But as gardening season is upon us, I’m reminded that the rain allows for growth. It’s an integral part of growing a healthy plant life. Only sunshine will scorch the plant and cause it to die. The same is true for us in our Christian life. Only sunshine causes our faith to often dry up as we see no need for God and we never grow, but a little rain and even a storm causes us to dig our roots deeper and reach our limbs higher. We reach to The Almighty for his sustaining love.

Today and always remember this song, these lyrics and hold onto the beauty of that day whether it’s sunshine and roses or rain and growth.


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Lyrics and Inspiration: It Is Well With My Soul

We just launched our It Is Well With My Soul tee and wanted to share the inspiration behind this special Hymn. This is taken directly from the Daily Grace Co Hymn study.

After the Chicago fire of 1871, Horatio Spafford decided to take his family on a vacation to Europe to help Mr. Moody with his evangelistic meetings in Great Britain. He sent his wife and four daughters on ahead overseas, Horatio being detained in America for a short time. Halfway through the trip, their boat collided with another vessel and sank within 12 minutes. His four daughters drowned, leaving Horatios’ wife as one of only a few survivors. Shortly thereafter, Horation stood on the mast of the ship in deep despair as he headed to meet his grieving wife. As he passed through the waters where his daughters were said to have drowned, a sudden peace swept over him and filled his heart with such comfort that he immediately penned the words of this famous hymn.

lyrics: It is well with my soul

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ (yes, He has) has regarded my helpless estate
And has shed His own blood for my soul

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought (a thought)
My sin, not in part, but the whole (every bit, every bit, all of it)
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more (yes)
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul

The hymn is composed to include all seasons of life we go through:  peace, grief and loss, trials, sin, redemption and death.  We praise God easily in the peace and joyful seasons but wonder where He is in the tragedy.  God is there and we know He never leaves or forsakes.  The writer encourages us to remember this assurance and allow it to take control, shifting our eyes to the cross, remembering His sacrifice and blood shed for us.  May we praise the Lord in the midst of our circumstances and look to the coming triumph and remember in all things that it is well with my soul because he is not near but right there.

