Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert - Isaiah 43:19
Isaiah foreshadows that the Lord will judge Babylon and promises His exiled people new life. The Israelites are in desperate circumstances in Babylon. Life looks bleak and they are stuck in a pit of despair as they look back in life. But God is saying when you remember the past, look at the great work I have done for you, not the discouragement and defeat. For He is a God of miracles and He will make a way just has He has done before for them before. He creates roads in the wilderness. He forms rivers in the desert. He will make a new way.
Staying stuck in the past can often keeps us from the new God wants for our life. We worry about all the obstacles in the way. God continually reminds His people and us that it’s His will and way and He alone accomplishes it.
This verse reminds us of His provision and power. He is a God who cares. He will bring you home even when your wilderness is filled with discouragement and defeat. He makes a road. Even when your desert dries up your will, His river replenishes your soul. Trust in Him and His way.