Morning Reflection - You Do Not Fail

Some days we just need a little encouragment that when all else feels like it is failing… He does not. Remember this… pray this… sit in this.

In my aching,

I know you heal.

When I’m weary,

you bring life.

In my darkness

shines your light.

Through my scattered chaos,

you bring order.

When I’m dry,

you’re my well.

While hope fades,

your word remains.

When all else fails,

you do not.


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Waiting on His return

Every time I hear of destruction over in Israel, I’m reminded the Lord’s return COULD be near. It’s a reminder to run our race and always be ready. And how do I get ready? By waiting on His perfect timing and standing firm in His word. Living for the eternal and not the now

His word, the Bible, all 66 books are a gift to us. Each book, chapter and verse were given to us for a reason. It all teaches us, reminds us and points to His plan for salvation. From Creation and Fall to the resurrection and hope of the New Heaven and Earth.

Are we ready? Are we waiting? Are we standing firm in His authority and word or are we standing in our own authority and will and living by our own thoughts and words.

You might have seen it this video before, it’s been around forever. But Francis Chan has an illustration that really brings this thought to life. Take a watch.

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Prayer before Bible Study

Often times we drop right into our to do. Our study plan. Let’s journal quick, write down our devotional answers and move on. I’m just as guilty as the next person. But studying the Bible is not meant to be a check list item. It’s meant to slow us down, reshift our focus from an earthly perspective to a kingdom one. It’s meant to remind us that this world and our life is not about us, but about Him.

Pray this prayer before you begin. Yearn to study Him, getting to know Him verses what’s in it for us.

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Book of Amos Reflection: Whom Will You Serve

Choose this day whom you will serve….

How easy it is to forget

to be so caught up and consumed

with the things of the immediate

that our worlds become quite small.

Unaware and unaffected

we can’t see past ourselves at all.

But beyond our own backyards

and far from our four walls

a whole wide hurting and broken world is waiting.

For healing. For hope.

For truth. For life.

Oh Lord, give us eyes to see

the things that matter most to Thee.

To loose the chains of oppression

To care for the widow and the orphan

To open the eyes of the blind and to set the captives free.

By the power of your Holy Spirit

help us to be a reflection of you in all that we say and all that we do.

Whatever you ask and whenever you call

may our answer always be-

Here I am. Send me.

Bible verses to dive into:

  • Joshua 24:15

  • Jeremiah 22:3

  • Micah 6:6-8

  • Mark 12:28-31

  • Mark 16:15

  • Amos 5:24

  • Matthew 6:33

  • Isaiah 6:8

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Words from Aimee Thornton - a dear friend of Six Notes whose words always inspire us. Photo by Joanna Klapperick



Fully Known - 1 Corinthians 13:12 - Meaning In The Bible

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known

1 Corinthians 13:12

This verse is both reassuring and hopeful.  Reassuring to know we are fully known by God himself and still loved.  He knows our thoughts, our actions, and even what we will think before we think it.  He knows our hurts, loves and anxieties.  He knows our past and future.  We are fully known in every which way by the Creator of the universe and He still loves us completely and provides us a hope for the future.  A hope so special that even in the dark of this world, we long for it.  We long for a future with Him and He promises that even though that future of eternity looks dim and unwavering like an ancient mirror; it will become clear when we meet Him face to face.  The bible gives us glimpses of eternity but one day, we will know fully.  And even more special while we are still fully known and loved by Him, we will have the privilege to fully know our Savior as well.  We will not be all knowing but know Him completely.  That’s what makes Heaven so special.  The unhindered, unrestricted presence of our Lord.

Be reminded to rest in His reassuring love and to live for the hope of our future that will one day become our beautiful reality.

